Please read these pre-appointment Covid-19 instructions. We will also ask you the questions in point 13 over the phone. We will also ask you for an E-mail address to which we can send you these instructions before your appointment.
- Let us know beforehand if you are in the High Risk or Very High Risk Groups. See here for a list of these groups.
- Brush your teeth at home. Please do not brush your teeth at the Practice. Please go the toilet before arriving to minimise toilet use.
- Do not bring unessential items to the Practice. e.g.bags, shopping, coats. Leave what you can in the car.
- Please attend on your own if possible unless you need a carer or parent/guardian. Do not bring children who are not seeing the dentist.
- Please bring your own pen.
- Please remain in your car until the time of your appointment. Do not come early. You may be asked to wait in the corridor to keep numbers in the reception low and avoid interactions with others.
- Use sanitising hand gel when you arrive and again after your appointment, before using the credit card machine, or going to the toilet. If you are wearing gloves please bin them when you arrive as they will be contaminated.
- Please use credit/debit cards instead of cash, or ideally pre-pay over the phone.
- We may ask if we can take your temperature. Your temperature will be recorded. If it is above 37.5C your appointment will be deferred and you should ring your doctor to arrange a test.
- We will give you a sanitised box in which to place phones, coats, wallets, bags, keys, etc. Do not bring them into the surgery.
- Please adhere to cough etiquette. e.g. cough/sneeze into your elbow or use the tissues and bin provided.
- We will ring you a day or two before the appointment to confirm your attendance and ask some Covid-19 health questions.
- Please let us know beforehand (Ring 018220666, E-mail if your answer to any of the following questions is “Yes”
- Have you tested positive for Covid-19?
- Have you been in contact with a Covid-19 case within the past 14 days?
- Have you had one or more of the following in the past 14 days: fever, cough, sore throat, loss of taste smell, or shortness of breath?
- Are a nursing home resident or worker?
- Have you used public transport (Incl bus, rail or air travel) in the past 14 days?